Friday, November 15, 2013


Figured I’d start off with something that might grab all of you reader’s attention… those who take the time to read this to its entirety. I am JAK and I am an ISTP… sounds a bit like an A/A meeting. Doesn’t it? I guess I’ll be leading the show and get straight to the point then.
I am an ISTP… but what does that mean? Those who knows what the four letters mean; may get an idea… those who know NOTHING about Psychology may just titter and imagine the possible acronyms they could build off the four existing characters.
·         I – Introversion preferred to extraversion: ISTPs tend to be quiet and reserved. They generally prefer interacting with a few close friends rather than a wide circle of acquaintances, and they expend energy in social situations (whereas extroverts gain energy).[5]
·         S – Sensing preferred to intuition: ISTPs tend to be more concrete than abstract. They focus their attention on the details rather than the big picture, and on immediate realities rather than future possibilities.[6]
·         T – Thinking preferred to feeling: ISTPs tend to rely on objective criteria rather than personal values. When making decisions, they generally give more weight to logic than to social considerations.[7]
·         P – Perception preferred to judgment: ISTPs tend to withhold judgment and delay important decisions, preferring to "keep their options open" should circumstances change.[8]
Here’s a brief summary/ explanation thanks in credit to our lovely Wikipedia… Though seriously; while I’d like to supply valuable resources… I am at a stance where my only advise to learn more on the subject is by doing your own research.
What does all that mean? Since some may get it; and some may not; I will explain it in my phrasing. This way however. I will tell you what it means to me. Growing up I have always been pushed to ‘know’ myself. Each stage of development has been drastically different from the ones before… and I have to say; I have certainly come a long way. Most people (if they read about the personality types and stumble across ISTP) will probably think that the most ‘common’ ISTP are those who are: reckless, bull-headed, ignorant monkey wrench car mechanic freaks, or thrill seekers. While it may be the case in most instances (Not discrediting psychology in anyway) there is more to the field than most pay attention to. Most people do not read much past ‘hey, that’s pretty neat’ Simple to comparison… finding one’s personality type is like discovering your zodiac. There is A science to Psychology; understanding the ‘human mind’ is an an essential goal of mine…
SO not to get off track; I loop around to say, most ‘general’ notes made about the ISTP are true… although overgeneralized. ISTP’s tend to be reckless; adventure seeking… aloof or ‘shy’ social creatures. As an ISTP I take in EVERY. THING. Sometimes it becomes a bit overwhelming to keep track with all that goes on in life. While some may go into work and scan through their hours routinely fulfilling their duties in that day; I take in everything. I don’t just see the obstacles in the way of my work; or correspond with everything going on around me; I also notice what’s going on around me from all sides. If asked specifically what went on at this time; or what I witnessed during an entire event; I could fill you in on all the details (least what I deem necessary info) ((And through any point this blog sounds vain or arrogant; I do apologize, I do not mean for it to offend anyone… ))
While remaining an aloof, seeming somewhat distant minded creature… I want it to be known I am far from unintelligent. Try processing every detail of an average day and tell me how well you do. I may tend to do things that seem reckless… though I know what I am doing. I do not try; when I see no point… if there is no gain in it for me… Or anyone else I immediately tend to; WHY? May seem a bit selfish; but in the end… Who can scrutinize? I care more about the rest of the people in the world; than they believe their selves to. Why? Someone has to look out for those least experienced in life; right?

I believe there is a hierarchy structure in all fields of life. Whoever told you that every man and woman is equal… is full of shit. I do believe people are born with the potential of greatness… but most can’t even push past the adept stages of life.  I was born with a greater purpose other than to work; have children, and grow old and die. Whatever happened to the days of apprenticeship? Where while a person was not born with any standing; or significance… they could prove their medal through hard work. Everything is handed to us in life; and we are fooled into thinking that principles of equality are even possible. There’s always a bigger dick raining down on your parade; pulling the strings of your life.
By this point; it’s become rather obvious I’ve strayed from the topic of what it means to me to be an ISTP. Quite honestly; it’s more of a subject better discussed in public with an audience who have a good understanding on the topic. This blog shall be my introductory blog; my way of saying: HELLO! To the rest of blogspot. My name is JAK; and I would like to lead people in the apprenticeship of life. There’s always plenty to learn; so I hope all of you bear with me. As I am mortal; I am prone to mistakes… Through this blogger, I will track every notable thought, record every piece of advice, and keep you updated on the development; overall person that is JAK.
I hope all of this has been good to read at the very least; and look forward to keeping an update to this blog as frequently as possible.

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